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Security as a Service, Android/iOS SECaaS SDK for $99/month with free monthly quota

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Android Malware Detection SDK

AI-based malware scanning for mobile applications over a state-of-the-art cloud platform. Available on Android, Windows/Linux server, and IoT embedded devices.

  1. Security as a Service

  2. Free quota each month

  3. Free cancellation anytime

  4. Pay as your use, starting from $99/month

  5. Download and use immediately

  6. AV-test and VirusTotal certified

Android Junk Clean SDK

Clean the cache or junk files created by different apps, scan big files, similar photos clean, and more.

  1. Clean as a Service

  2. APK, cache, document junk clean

  3. Similar photo scan

  4. Pay as your use, starting from $99/month

  5. Download and use immediately

junk clean SDK
wifi security SDK

Android/iOS Wifi Security Scan SDK

Provide advanced detections of wireless network attacks by ARP spoofing, DNS spoofing and SSL stripping & splitting. List all connected devices on the same network. Support both Android and iOS platforms.

  1. Wifi Secuirty as a Service

  2. Weak authentification and spoofing scan

  3. Man in middle attach scan

  4. Network devices scan

  5. Pay as your use, starting from $99/month

  6. Download and use immediately

Smart Contract Audit

AI engine combined with manual audit service to inspect not only the smart contract itself, but also the key security and deployment security.



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